Training Analytics

Training Analytics

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This training has been cancelled.

[edit] Visual Analytics: Delivering Actionable Security Intelligence by Raffael Marty

This workshop takes the audience on a fascinating journey of data analytics and visualization. The students will learn how to process data (log files), visualize them through actionable graphs, and analyze security related data. Past training attendees included employees of various Nation's secret services, large security vendors, and security analysts from all over the world. All of them attended to learn how to deal with the flood of security related data in an efficient way. The in-depth technical content is backed up and emphasized by numerous hands-on exercises, some of them utilizing a private extension of the DAVIX live CD.

Some of the training modules include:

  • information visualization theory (Tufte, Few, ...)
  • data visualization tools and libraries (D3, Protovis, Gephi, AfterGlow, ...)
  • user activity visualization (heatmaps, network graphs, insider abuse, ...)
  • big data technologies (hadoop, couchdb, elastic search, ...)

[edit] Trainer Biography

Raffael Marty is a SaaS business expert, data visualization practitioner, and security data analyst. Raffael is the founder and ceo of pixlcloud, a visual analytics company. Prior, he co-founded Loggly, a cloud-based log management company. He has been a long term data analysis and visualization enthusiast and has spent a lot of time building and defining the security visualization space through open source tools, writing books, a number of papers, and speaking at conferences around the world. He is frequently consulting as an industry expert in all aspects of log analysis, computer security, and data visualization. Raffy has held various positions in the log management space at companies like Splunk, ArcSight, and IBM research where he also earned his masters in computer science. In addition to visualization, big data analysis, and computer security, Raffy is working with a number of startups and has an interest in cloud-based business models.

300px-twitter-icon.jpg @raffaelmarty

24 & 25 September (09:00 - 17:00)

This training has been cancelled.

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